Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bowling Tips for Beginners

As a beginner, there are some bowling tips and fundamentals which need to be mastered on before one can proceed to become a pro, as these are the very strength of the whole game.
First of all, learn to relax. The ability to relax is probably the most important factor for success in all sports. Relaxation increases your level of balance and ability to concentrate on the learning and on the game itself.

Learn how to swing. Nothing differentiates a good bowler than a poor bowler more than the quality of the swing. This bowling tip takes a lot of practice to make perfect. Just be consistent on the practice and time and hard-work will take you there.

Next, one must perfect your straight ball consistently. Learning to straighten the ball can be very easy for some while it may be very difficult to others. It will need practices to get better.
Next you need to figure out what is the delivery which works best for you. Is it a three step, or a four or five step delivery which allow you to make your best shot? As a beginner, this is one of the bowling tips to know.

Now we come to the release. One tip is always to release the ball only after it has passed over your left foot, with this method, one will be better off with the aim of your target. Learn to adapt to these natural bowling stances and release procedures. However it is normal for everyone to work towards their own perfect, natural and easy delivery.

Next important tip is to avoid using a bowling ball which is too heavy. For women, the correct weight range from 8-15 pounds and as for men, it is from 14-16 pounds. It is recommended for the bowler to get his own bowling ball, as one get acquainted and more comfortable with his/her own ball instead of sharing with others in the bowling alley.

Prepare yourself a nice pair of bowling shoes. Brushing the slide portion of your shoes with a wire brush will decrease slide and improve leverage. Proper care on your bowling equipment is equally important as the bowling skills itself. Some basic care includes washing excess oil of your ball with rubbing alcohol after every game, soak it in warm water and dish detergent ( for 10 minutes ) every few weeks and keep it properly sanded, waxed, and polished regularly to maintain a good game always!

See Also:

[Via Recreation & Sports]

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